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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hailey Dunn,middle school cheerleader 
disappears,from her home in Texas!

Police affidavits reveal some strange and startling behavior by Hailey Dunn's mother Billie and her live-in boyfriend Shawn Adkins around the time of her disappearance. They even hosted New Year's party three days after she went missing. 

Two days after Christmas, 13-year-old Hailey Dunn told her mom's live-in boyfriend that she was going to spend the night at a friend's house. But she never made it to that friend's house, nor did the friend even know she was coming. That's the last time anyone has seen her.

Police in Colorado City, Texas have been searching for her ever since. They've been interviewing sex offenders and using bloodhounds to search for the girl. The dogs did pick up her scent in the parking lot of a Western Suites hotel, and that scent led them to a room. But reviews of the hotel's security tape showed no signs of Hailey. 

Shawn Adkins, her mother's boyfriend, has agreed to take a polygraph test, but the results have yet to be released. Meanwhile, her mom Billie Dunn knows of no reason Hailey would leave on her own. She was apparently a good student at Colorado Middle School, into cheerleading, band, and playing volleyball. 

But if the Texas Rangers have any clues on the girl's whereabouts, they're not releasing them.

UpdateI : Shawn Adkins is refusing to take a polygraph test, according to Hailey's relatives.

Billie Dunn told the media yesterday that her live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, was scheduled to take a polygraph test yesterday. But last night, Hailey's brother David told CBS-7 that Adkins twice refused to take the test.

He finally signed a release to take it after a third request, but then left the police station without doing it. He says his family hasn't seen Adkins since his last refusal. Two of Hailey's uncles say the same thing.

Police aren't talking, though they've said in the past that both Billie and Adkins had been cooperative.

UPDATE II: Police now believe that Hailey is hiding somewhere.

Police had been looking for two girls seen walking with her on the day she disappeared, but no one had come forward. So they went to her middle school yesterday to talk to students. Someone coughed up the names. And what initially looked to be a kidnapping investigation -- or possibly a murder probe -- now looks like a runaway case.

Detectives are saying that Hailey is likely in hiding. They're not saying why they believe this or offering any details. But that's what they told the kids at her school.

The case has been rife with rumor and false reporting from the start. Police say the family has given inconsistent statements. And while multiple family members have said they've both passed and failed polygraph tests, detectives say that no one's actually been informed how they did on their tests.

But with the latest admission from police -- coupled with bloodhounds picking up Hailey's scent at a nearby hotel -- it appears as though Hailey willingly went with someone and likely left town.

UPDATE III: More strange news about Billie Dunn and her live-in boyfriend.
KTXS- filed a Freedom of Information request to get copies of police affidavits in the case, and while they don't point to guilt on behalf of Hailey's mother and her live-in boyfriend, they do suggest parents who don't exactly look clean.

The highlights, according to police:

Adkins threatened to kill Hailey and Billie last February.

Adkins and Billie were fascinated by horror movies and crime. Detectives found a box in their home with both fiction and nonfiction involving serial killers, ax murders, sexual sadists, the occult, and killing of family members.

The two douches actually hosted a New Year's Eve party three days after Hailey went missing. Adkins claims they only had a few friends over for drinks, but it speaks to their lack of concern over the missing girl.

When Billie first arrived to take a polygraph, police couldn't go through with it because she was "under the influence of narcotics." A second attempt revealed deception. But when asked to explain that, Billie said she couldn't, then walked out of the interview.

Adkins twice refused polygraphs. When he provided inconsistent answers when he finally took the test, he too walked out.

Adkins and Billie withdrew $140 from an ATM at 6:20 p.m. on the night Hailey disappeared. They said it was to buy drugs.

If Hailey ran away, it doesn't look like she made the normal preparations. She left behind her toothbrush, hairbrush, contact solution, a new MP3 player, and a jacket friends say she never left the house without, even though it was cold outside.

Adkins told investigators that he was fired on December 27, and that he left work at 6 a.m. that morning. But his boss said he was a good employee and he hadn't been fired.

He told police he went to his mom's house after he left work, but his cell phone was pinging off a tower elsewhere in Scurry County. Billie's phone was pinging off the same tower.

While none of this implicates guilt, it sure speaks to parents worth placing under close scrutiny.

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