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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Most of the time, justice is delayed, diluted, delusional and hence denied

One of the prominent failures of post Independent India, is its Justice delivery system. Even after 63 years of independence, the system never refined itself. Most of the time, justice is delayed, diluted, delusional and hence denied.
The country now faces a serious challenge in refining its slow judiciary process sooner or its going to regret on the consequences of it. The Justice delivery system is painfully slow, and for lack of better word, its incompetant. Justice delayed IS justice denied. Last week we had two important happenings, that managed to make it to the main page. One of which is the accusation that former Supreme Court Chief Justice K.G Balakrishnan’s son-in-law, accumulating huge wealth disproportionate to known sources of income in Kerala., and other being the 40+ year old Rupam Pathak stabbing and killing the sitting BJP MLA Raj Kishore Keshari in broad day light in Bihar, in front of a huge gathering of people in his home constituency. To put it simpler, the former is the problem and the later is the ‘consequence’ of the problem. Let the Indian penal code define, who is punishable and who is not. I am pretty positive, nothing is going to come up significantly in either case. But everyone has to admit, the whole system is ripped of and needs drastic changes. The Chief Justice in Supreme court is a unique distinction and is the top post a Judge can ever make it to. He would know the law than anybody else, I would assume. How could someone close to the person who managed to be Chief Justice of India, be accused of unlawful activity. Did the CJ know about it. what is his role in this. what credibility does he have. Who appointed him to be CJ and why. Looks as usual as it always happens in India, dishonest people go to the top of the beurocracy. K.G Balakrishnan may be proved innocent and he may have not a role in this. I am not trying to pre-judge him prior to active investigation being made.. It is not just about K. G. Balakrishnan being good or bad, but it is just a case that firmly suggests, not everything is good, with people who are supposed to fix the country’s problem.

In the Indian legal system, the judges are considered unquestionable, and their honestly and credibility is not debatable. This is absolutely crazy. It may have been true at some point in the past, but not anymore. The country has to wake up to reality, and pin credibility into the judicial system. The whole system of working needs to be reworked upon, and made efficient and transparent.
Judiciary is a big joke in India. Remember the last person who was punished for crime ? Either he was so notorious to be left out in the open, or he did’nt have the money for his bail. Most people who are financially viable often get caught in the mess. If you have the money power, you can get away with almost anything including multiple murders. This is a sorry state of the India justice delivery system now. The system fails to deliver justice, and the result of that is people take law into their own hands and punish each other. There is a tacit acceptance to this action in society. This will lead to uncivilized society. The case of Rupam Pathak is a classic case of it. There was a FIR filed against the local MLA by Rupam sometime back over sexual allegations. It appears, the case made no head-way forward. Preliminary reports indicate Rupam pathak was frustrated with no action being taken against the MLA and decided to stab the MLA herself as an act of revenge. In my opinion, violence cannot be a part of life. No one violent has a place amidst the society. They must be arrested and isolated from society. The trial may bring the truth out, and we will discuss then who is right and who is wrong. But the frustration with regular legal process is very active in minds of people who wait for justice in the Indian courts. This cannot be denied.
There are a tonne of legal disputes in court today, that will take generations to solve. what is the expectation for the person who is dependant on those verdicts. When a trial happens over long periods of time, people change stands, witness become hostile, the evidence no longer is fresh, people involved in trial lose motivation. Just dragging a case for years and years is judicial cheating. The whole justice system is flawed in the process. Land disputes and property disputes, needs to be solved as soon as possible, so that people can get on with life. We have people going to the court just to extend the problem for long. The ordinary people feel left out. The dishonest segment of the population benefit from the process. The lawyers and judges make money in this flawed process. Even now, the judges go for summer vacations, just like school students, often leading to inefficient man-hours of operation. People launder in jails for years, because the judge hasn’t had time to “get to the case”. Murder cases that have solid evidence on the initial period lose steam over time, and the witness turn hostile, because often they are subjected to pressure. The Judicial system neither helps the innocent or witness, but plays as a good tool for persons who are aggressively dishonest, and exploit the sytem to their advantage.
When the legal system does not deliver just like it is happening in India right now, it always results in social unrest and revolution. It is high time the central government recognize this problem and enact laws and overhaul the system. The following are items that the people need in that.
1. Find resources to clear backlog of cases all over India. Ensure speedy disposal.
2. Atleast new legal cases, needs speedy verdicts., say vital cases like murder, rape, financial frauds are attended to and verdict executed in 4 years.
3. Protect witnesses.
4. Punishment, if found guilty.
5. Hold Judges accountable and punishable, if found involved in mal-practices.
6. Simplify the justice delivery system, and make it RELEVANT in society.
The whole appeal process is ridiculous. This has to be simplified and needs a time sensitive requirement in it. Punishment MUST be delievered if found guilty for all. Only strict punishments is going to help refine society. There are multiple clemency petition pending in the table of the President and Prime Minister. They must be attended to, and punishments enforced. Only this will invoke confidence in people to go to courts seeking Justice.
India has a lot to learn from other western coutries, how the rule of law is enforced, maintained and safe-guarded. We have to admit, things are far better in advanced countries. The Indian society is a tolerant, obedient society by history. The family values are still very much intact. In spite of the vast diversity, there is a feeling of nationalism, patriotism, respect and moral values. So it is just a matter of enforcing it and winning back the confidence of the people.
For most of Independant india, the Congress government has ruled the country. So the Congress party is responsible for this judicial mess relatively. It must have been fixed long before it became a monster today. The people will wake up and we will have a law-less society in the near future, if the govenment does not act now. Manmohan Singh is credited with bringing back India to global stage economically in the 90s as the finance minister. Can he deliver again this time by refining the Indian Judiciary as a Prime Minister.


Get your pitchforks ready people! I’m guessing from people’s reactions last night, not all of you are going to like what I have to say. To begin, yes this is the epic visual masterpiece that you’ve all been waiting for and it succeeds in everything it tries to do (visually).The overall look is stunning beyond belief, the special effects are impeccable, Cameron got me to shed a tear and sit on the edge of my seat… BUT the film isn’t flawless, not by a long shot…

The Players:

  • Director/WriterJames Cameron
  • Executive Producer: Colin Wilson
  • Actors: Sam Worthington, Zoe saldanaSigourney WeaverStephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez,Giovanni Ribisi, Joel Moore
  • Cinematographers: Mauro Fiore and Vince Pace
  • Music By: James Horner

The Plot:

Paraplegic war veteran, Jake Sully is brought to another planet called Pandora in place of his brother with the promise of getting his legs back if he helps the government on a mission. Pandora is inhabited by a primitive race called the Na’vi and Jake is sent in to learn their ways so that he can help relocate them and the humans can take over.

The Good:

  • Special Effects: As if you didn’t already expect this. The SFX are impeccable and he uses them well. Instead of just shoving them in your face, he weaves them into the story beautifully, and they come off effortlessly.
  • The Details: Normally in a film like this, you can see a few mistakes here and there, but I didn’t catch any. From Sam Worthington’s tiny legs to the computers within the scenes – every detail was thought out and used as a part of the environment. The best thing that Cameron did was allow for all his hard work to be incorporated into the wide shots without saying “hey look at this.” In allowing everything to be part of a greater whole, Cameron truly created a world of his own, which makes you truly feel as if you’ve been transported into a new world while watching the film.
  • The Acting: To both the actors and director’s credit, the performances came through extremely well. It’s amazing how much of the actors emotions you could see through their Avatar characters. Zoe Saldana gave an especially emotional and strong performance, and you never even saw her real face.
  • Sam Worthington’s Hair: It sounds ridiculous, but this is another detail that really stood out. Normally you’ll notice that an actor is given a hairstyle that they can have throughout the entire film, but Worthington’s hair changed with every time shift in the movie and it always looked completely natural. Yet again, nice touch.

The Mediocre:

  • The Story: Cameron came up with a lot of original ideas for this film, but the story was not one of them. Although it was well put together, clean, and everything played out like clock-work, there was no originality to it. As everyone realized as they were walking out of the theater, the film is Dances with Wolves but with blue cat-like aliens. It’s every video game you’ve ever played, ever steamy-action novel you’ve ever read, every plot line you’ve seen before in a big budget film. Is it well told? Absolutely! But with all the time and money Cameron put into it, I would expect him to tell an old story well. I get that he took a number of risks, so maybe asking for an original story was taking things too far…

The Bad:

  • Early Footage: Although it was fun to see early footage of the film a few months ago, it screws you over in the long run. The first 45 minutes of the film is all about being in awe of the environment. It’s about reacting to everything around you, for the people who have seen the footage the experience isn’t fresh and therefore it doesn’t carry you as much as it should. For those of you who have abstained from any footage, you’ll soon be rewarded.
  • James Horner: I could literally tell you what instruments he was about to use and when (and I did tell the person sitting next to me a few times). The music was signposty, cliched, and sounded exactly like Titanic. Horner and Cameron go together like two peas in a pod and people love their collaborations, just not me. Films that take big risks like to find safety where ever they can, and Horner is their comfort blanket. For me, it was the one big thing in the film that almost took me out of a few amazing moments.
  • Natives Vs. Technology: (Spoiler alert) A white man comes in, learns the ways of a more primitive people, then fucks them over, has a change in heart, and comes back and uses their own ignorance and belief system to make himself a hero. It’s like Thanksgiving all over again! Although this is an old story that we’ve seen many times before and I can’t blame Cameron for coming up with it, is this really a message we want to be spreading and more so, promoting? What about taking responsibility for yourself?


If nothing else this is a visual masterpiece and is meant to be seen in IMAX 3-D theaters. It will take you on a ride and blow you away. If you want to avoid some of the problems with it, just make sure to turn your brain off upon arrival and let your senses lead you.

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hailey Dunn,middle school cheerleader 
disappears,from her home in Texas!

Police affidavits reveal some strange and startling behavior by Hailey Dunn's mother Billie and her live-in boyfriend Shawn Adkins around the time of her disappearance. They even hosted New Year's party three days after she went missing. 

Two days after Christmas, 13-year-old Hailey Dunn told her mom's live-in boyfriend that she was going to spend the night at a friend's house. But she never made it to that friend's house, nor did the friend even know she was coming. That's the last time anyone has seen her.

Police in Colorado City, Texas have been searching for her ever since. They've been interviewing sex offenders and using bloodhounds to search for the girl. The dogs did pick up her scent in the parking lot of a Western Suites hotel, and that scent led them to a room. But reviews of the hotel's security tape showed no signs of Hailey. 

Shawn Adkins, her mother's boyfriend, has agreed to take a polygraph test, but the results have yet to be released. Meanwhile, her mom Billie Dunn knows of no reason Hailey would leave on her own. She was apparently a good student at Colorado Middle School, into cheerleading, band, and playing volleyball. 

But if the Texas Rangers have any clues on the girl's whereabouts, they're not releasing them.

UpdateI : Shawn Adkins is refusing to take a polygraph test, according to Hailey's relatives.

Billie Dunn told the media yesterday that her live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, was scheduled to take a polygraph test yesterday. But last night, Hailey's brother David told CBS-7 that Adkins twice refused to take the test.

He finally signed a release to take it after a third request, but then left the police station without doing it. He says his family hasn't seen Adkins since his last refusal. Two of Hailey's uncles say the same thing.

Police aren't talking, though they've said in the past that both Billie and Adkins had been cooperative.

UPDATE II: Police now believe that Hailey is hiding somewhere.

Police had been looking for two girls seen walking with her on the day she disappeared, but no one had come forward. So they went to her middle school yesterday to talk to students. Someone coughed up the names. And what initially looked to be a kidnapping investigation -- or possibly a murder probe -- now looks like a runaway case.

Detectives are saying that Hailey is likely in hiding. They're not saying why they believe this or offering any details. But that's what they told the kids at her school.

The case has been rife with rumor and false reporting from the start. Police say the family has given inconsistent statements. And while multiple family members have said they've both passed and failed polygraph tests, detectives say that no one's actually been informed how they did on their tests.

But with the latest admission from police -- coupled with bloodhounds picking up Hailey's scent at a nearby hotel -- it appears as though Hailey willingly went with someone and likely left town.

UPDATE III: More strange news about Billie Dunn and her live-in boyfriend.
KTXS- filed a Freedom of Information request to get copies of police affidavits in the case, and while they don't point to guilt on behalf of Hailey's mother and her live-in boyfriend, they do suggest parents who don't exactly look clean.

The highlights, according to police:

Adkins threatened to kill Hailey and Billie last February.

Adkins and Billie were fascinated by horror movies and crime. Detectives found a box in their home with both fiction and nonfiction involving serial killers, ax murders, sexual sadists, the occult, and killing of family members.

The two douches actually hosted a New Year's Eve party three days after Hailey went missing. Adkins claims they only had a few friends over for drinks, but it speaks to their lack of concern over the missing girl.

When Billie first arrived to take a polygraph, police couldn't go through with it because she was "under the influence of narcotics." A second attempt revealed deception. But when asked to explain that, Billie said she couldn't, then walked out of the interview.

Adkins twice refused polygraphs. When he provided inconsistent answers when he finally took the test, he too walked out.

Adkins and Billie withdrew $140 from an ATM at 6:20 p.m. on the night Hailey disappeared. They said it was to buy drugs.

If Hailey ran away, it doesn't look like she made the normal preparations. She left behind her toothbrush, hairbrush, contact solution, a new MP3 player, and a jacket friends say she never left the house without, even though it was cold outside.

Adkins told investigators that he was fired on December 27, and that he left work at 6 a.m. that morning. But his boss said he was a good employee and he hadn't been fired.

He told police he went to his mom's house after he left work, but his cell phone was pinging off a tower elsewhere in Scurry County. Billie's phone was pinging off the same tower.

While none of this implicates guilt, it sure speaks to parents worth placing under close scrutiny.